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  • Connection Fee
    Most of our cards do not have a connection fee. This fee is charged one minute after you place your call.
  • Maintenance Fee
    Only some cards have maintenance fees. This fee is charged within 24 hours after the first phone call is made.
    This fee can be deducted from the balance every week or every two weeks depending on the calling card.
  • Rounding
    Our phone cards are rounded to 1 second, 1 or 3 minutes. Please note that most providers round up, so if a call lasted 1 minute 10 seconds, you will be billed for 2 minutes.
  • Toll Free Access number
    This is a nationwide free of charge access number that you dial to start using a phone card. In the US toll free numbers start with 800, 866, 877 or 888.
  • Local Access number
    Most of our phone cards have Local Access numbers in addition to Toll Free Access numbers.
    Using Local Access numbers gives you more minutes on the calling card and they are free of charge if they are local in your area.
  • Service Fees and Surcharges
    This fee is applied to the rate for every phone call. It is taken off at the end of the call.
  • Public Payphone Charge
    Some cards have a payphone charge. This fee is taken off your balance every time you use a public phone/payphone.
  • Validity period
    Most phone cards have an expiration date. This countdown begins on the day of the the first phone call. We offer cards with a set validity period and without expiration dates! (at least one refill in 6 months required for most unlimited cards)
  • Refillable
    Refillable calling cards provide you with a permanent PIN that you can add money to. You can also transfer money between refillable PIN numbers.
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